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Pt YJ.PhD-1089 P 148 I did not hear honking crazy drivers, maybe they did not even got out today the friends of Politics, the horse that did not get out of starting block. In an impartial opinion, after the MSM ticket , last minute debate, seekers and beggars of ticket, NOW I put this open question to the Opposition, what if the Leader of the opposition alliance MLP-PMSD-MMM is not among elected members and the Opposition has a majority for next election ? Possibility of a NEW leader of Mauritius Labour Party.



Pt YJ.PhD-1088 P 147 A Poison seller (local alcohol seller and Crazy drivers honking early mornings ) is saying that supposedly ME ALSO ,same as those new faces of 2019 ( Hon Dhunoo, Hon Luchmun Roy, Hon Tour , Hon Hurdoyal, etc etc etc ) , at the LAST minute I will go to PMO, MSM to be candidate. I take the Electoral Office as witness and say that I am neither a SEEKER nor a BEGGAR of Election ticket from ANY party and I do not have any Political ambitions, nor independent . As said a thousand times, I do not wish to have any relationship with Politics. My wife cannot be from the blacklisted categories ( politics, ex families etc )



Pt YJ.PhD-1087 P 146 Foreigners , high commissions, embassies asking GIFTS. NO thank you I do not give any form of gratifications to any foreigners, politics, enemies etc BEWARE of those women of BLACKLISTED categories namely CATHERINE of UK and MEGHAN of US. I have no link with those FRAUDS and their white Zulu and bright children. when I am hungry and thirsty Creole GP push me away, when heritages are stolen, insurance steal me, bank blackmail me no one sees anything and now people have the guts to ask gifts from me.



Pt YJ.PhD-1086 P 145 DANGER of taking loan putting property as guarantee. I already DO NOT TRUST the SBM, SICOM, NIC and there is the very strange persistence 'to put money in SBM’, that I do not want to and the DANGER could be that I put my salary at SBM, and take a loan SBM-SICOM-NIC as insurance, and they cannot resist the temptation same as 2011,2014 by a mysterious way I am kicked out of job or condemned and Cannot repay my home loan and get RUINED.lose home, property put as guarantee. Same as that Tamil man who got ruined due to gambling betting horse. This will not happen. I continue to AVOID SBM-SICOM... I am not a nominee like their petit copain, copine [section 5 (a) to (h) ]



Pt YJ.PhD-1085 P 144 Now Politicians, annoyers, kamikaze honking drivers, think I am their 'petit copain' copine' After mentioning what will happen to nominees in case a change of government, lose and stay seated, the new story of some relatives,close friends, 'petit copain, copine' of Politicians is that 'supposedly me also I am a political nominee' and 'supposedly me also in case of change of government I have to LEVE PAKER and go. Some Politicians of both sides think that I am like their people who got job through political backing, bribe, relatives, nepotism, etc and not even qualified for the post they occupy. Those who make believe I am a Political nominee are liable to CIVIL ACTION. False and malicious denunciations with intention to cause harm to my reputation and career. Infront of them I applied for PSC job from advert, got interview, went for interview and appointed and confirmed. Politicians and their nominees themselves did not want me to get confirm when I started and now some have the guts to say ;' supposedly me also I am a nominee' .


Pt YJ.PhD-1084 P 143 Complaint Case 8 to the NTC : After the DEATH threats uttered towards me and confession to the Police, now the SAME Bus worker ASSIZE KARTER , sitting with legs wide open, in bus blocking the way with his feet , expecting me to give him a kick liverpool style, and pretend to be the Victim of the story like the friends of Politics the 'horses, private schools etc ' But NO I behave as usual in an exemplary manner. I avoid his KARTER, feet blocking the way.