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YJ.PhD-1003: P 64 WARNING Hon Members of Constituency 18 Representing ALL SIDES namely Mauritius Labour Party/ MSM/ MPM/ PMSD : SEVENTEEN problems listed to SOLVE. Disastrous situation and Neglected Constituency 18 Harassment, violence, lack of food hygiene market/bazaar / bus workers and their acolyte (same as Mr Sam bus owner) , violent shops , SAVAGE manners of Creole GP community beer/wine workers : election coming next year so Start working in the Constituency 18


Pt 987 P53 Evil West SUSPICIOUS invitations to my name to come in the WESTERN REGIONS ( DRUG ROUTE QB to the west) of RIVIERE NOIRE for a WHISKY party, During Durga Pooja period. It reminds me of 2014 inviting me to NGO to STEAL me, and still searching money from me. Eradicating DRUG from Mauritius , now it seems Alcohol-beer-wine-whisky companies also are searching problem with me. A provocation, lack of respect and insult to me.


Pt 985 P 51 Lead by example : The unprofessional manners of hon members of the National Assembly give a bad example to the youth/public : violence, insults, aggressivity , searching for pretexts not to do their job, running away from duty, persisting and only when KICKED OUT , suspended that they understand. They bring disrepute to the N.A and Mauritius Politics. What is the difference between hon members and those violent, annoying bus ( Mr Sam pervert sexual predator ) /bazaar/oily cake sellers/shops/ Savage Creole GP Industry workers of Beer/wine ?


Pt 982 P 49 : Informing Companies and Hon Members ; That NGO pick up WASTEFOOD containing FOODBORNE pathogens and give to people to eat spreading bacteria Salmonella, E.Coli, thinking they are doing a good job. People can get ill have bloody diarrhea etc. I am not accomplice if members of the Public get ill, contaminated.


YJ.PhD-1002: P 63 2024 the AGE of ELECTIONS , Vae victi « Malheur aux vaincus » ; Local Political Situation; Est-ce-que les carottes sont déjà cuites ? or is there still time for the Governing parties for a 3rd victory ? As usual annoyers /blacklisted categories ; bus (Mr Sam) /bazaar/industry workers wine-beer Creole GP workers with Savage violent manners /shops/oily cake sellers were saying those who will NOT be getting Ticket need to be prepared. Their replacement are walking the streets. [ If you lose also I will STILL not be interested with your women. I am not picking up ‘ramasse’ Losers BLACKLISTED NO THANK YOU 912 P31, 998 P59 ]


YJ.PhD-1001: P 62 They say I look at their social media profile and when I block them they say they are not seeing. There need to be some Data protection from the Internet Network and Administrators for CLEAN innocent people like me and they should not SELL CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION . Look at yourselves in a mirror. Spying me but not doing their own jobs. It is those TEN immoral wrongdoings, Sins mentioned in the paper like for example FAKE profiles , using programs to temper IP (they think people do not know ), those who visit ,download PORN websites etc who should be NAMED,SHAMED and reported. [I do not WRITE papers for MONEY]


YJ.PhD-1000: P 61 MUSLIM Woman working at an Insurance 'hmaS' ,and Doctors with Russian connections, searching Problem with me same as Enemies of Cases & their 3 sided Unions , Insurance 'hmaS' annoying since a decade. Insurances/ Banks must know their limits; they should NOT FORCE CLIENTS nor Invent stories behind the back of clients. Its themselves who EACH time make believe that supposedly I am OBESE and that supposedly my innocent loving Mother was a DRUG ADDICT , obviously FALSE. My mother was a honest clean woman who this country did not respect, and they had STOLEN her money many times and now also they use violence/kicks/punches /insult towards her only son and only heir. PUT ON PAPER what you have to say instead of Hiding and talking behind my back. Thats why you see a guy who looks like Mr Kenny (reduit/gandia/rapist) at their entrance, FAKE plans to customers, like the FAKE receipts