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YJ.PhD-1000: P 61 MUSLIM Woman working at an Insurance 'hmaS' ,and Doctors with Russian connections, searching Problem with me same as Enemies of Cases & their 3 sided Unions , Insurance 'hmaS' annoying since a decade. Insurances/ Banks must know their limits; they should NOT FORCE CLIENTS nor Invent stories behind the back of clients. Its themselves who EACH time make believe that supposedly I am OBESE and that supposedly my innocent loving Mother was a DRUG ADDICT , obviously FALSE. My mother was a honest clean woman who this country did not respect, and they had STOLEN her money many times and now also they use violence/kicks/punches /insult towards her only son and only heir. PUT ON PAPER what you have to say instead of Hiding and talking behind my back. Thats why you see a guy who looks like Mr Kenny (reduit/gandia/rapist) at their entrance, FAKE plans to customers, like the FAKE receipts