Pt YJ.PhD-1006: P66 The usual Annoyers are saying named Minister, HON MINISTER HURDOYAL is looking for me. Whether true he know me or false he has never heard of me, I do not wish to have any link with Hon Hurdoyal. I Do not accept INVITATION, RENDEZ VOUS From Politicians (of any sides) unless made in a FORMAL WAY ; why, when, for what, where, of what nature, financial matters ? any conflictual situation ? minutes of meeting ? confidential ? I remember the incident of 2014 Port Louis and the story of Mr A. of Sodnac who was called to his Girlfriend's house and beaten up by a group of men. I do not do any business with Politicians neither interested to buy any land/food from any Minister/Ministry of Agro/Politics. It would be a Flagrant CONFLICT of Interest.