Pt YJ.PhD-1105 P 164 [ CASE 1 Me v/s Jugnauth & families ] False and Malicious Stories supposedly my father was responsible for the ACID attack on Dr Malhotra in 1998 . My father passed away in 1995 and was a CID officer at Sodnac Police. Same sort of Inventions made about me by enemies namely insurance about supposedly my mother was into drug , Civil ‘cagoule/pirate/recidivist/condemned’ and Criminal ‘horses/private school etc..’. Kindly neither believe nor invent any story. I do not wish to have any sort of relation with the Jugnauth, Malhotra, Ramdanee, Ballah. I do not interfere into relationship of others and expect the same. Death benefit of my Mother Kritya not paid to me is a guarantee I will never accept anyone from Politics.