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Pt YJPhD 1812 P 894 Problem 82 Const 18 DANGERS OF CONST 18 ' I still do not know why they make metal sound' , Hon members of both SIDES of our National Parliament should kindly inform their people namely of Const 18, along my path to work ; THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE IN THEIR POSSESSION ANY KNIVES . Namely bazaar/lafoire/ oily cake sellers/ bus workers. It is weapon. As in UK, Mauritius Parliament should introduce a new LAW Illegal to have in possession any SHARP Objects. As the world is aware, there has been several STABBINGS in countries like UK, FRANCE, US. COURT Ref (i) case STATE v NUNHOO S 2013 SCJ 69 RECORD NO. CS 7/12 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF MAURITIUS (ii) Case Leicester Square stabbing UK (iii) Case Teacher Samuel Patty France (iv) Ronan's law UK 31st August 2024