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Pt YJPhD 1842 P 924 SPANISH VOTES. Some Politicians saying that 'there is so much evidence against me, and despite that they are not condemning me'. Beware Politics of any sides say they got so much votes and STILL did not get elected. These annoyers are Same as the 'Bonnie and Clyde couple' Spanish woman and her husband Spanish woodman , hiding making threats, making allegations about evidence, spying me stalking me , even when I am at work. The Spanish woman and her husband Woodman have chosen the WRONG sides; my enemies of cases horses/private schools/union/ newspapers etc. This tells you about all their nature and what is really true and false. Shocking since its the Spanish woodman himself who had wrote that famous Newspaper Article about her ex-husband that brought her to LOSE her Defamation CIVIL CASE, ruined her career . Same logic, you got so many votes but , you STILL did not get elected. That Spanish woodman and his wife will drag their OWN PEOPLE AND POLITICS also into their dirt. Creole GP are giving to me an educator, a Civil servant unprovoked, unjustified KICKS to my head and visage, and ask me money and you think their words worth anything against me? Do you think what ever they have is admissible in a court of justice against me ? 24th September 2024