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Pt YJPhD 1883 P 967: For a second time I say 'DU JAMAIS VU'' such level of unprofessionalism in a school and in that Ministry ; While I was expecting some apologies and remorse from both STUDENTS AND TEACHERS , I SEE AGAIN PROVOCATION, INCOMPETENCE AND LIES. Meeting was 25/09/24 today 30/09/24 they give me a paper of the minutes to sign with FALSE information. I was not even informed on the 25/09/24 that there will be a minute of that the meeting. That committee needs to be taught how to do their jobs and they cannot do and write whatever they want and whatever crosses their minds. These pseudo professional teachers of that committee do not know that the Minutes should be signed and agreed on the SAME date 25/09, and the moment of the meeting and not afterwards. Behind my back they agree what to put in the minute as it suits them and then some days later 30/09 they give me to sign the minutes. The student kicked me, spit on me, throw objects and they put NO as if I agreed with their NO. Where did they address the issue of RACIST words said against me.30 th September 2024