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Pt YJPhD 1903 P 994 : I maintain I do not do any form of business with neither SBM nor SICOM nor Maubank. ZERO trust in finance sector. TOUPER , Politics and their people have the guts to ask me ' put money in SBM/SICOM/MAUBANK/ IPRO’’ . Some even have links with my enemies of cases Horses/Private School/ Union/ Police / Newspaper etc etc. Same as I said a hundred times about Politics and their relatives of both sides, Anyone who works at these financial institutions should AVOID approaching me (at their own risk). If anyone has anything to tell me put on paper, do not behave like SAVAGES. WHO EVER IS IN POWER DOES NOT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE FOR ME. I am always impartial, hundred have come, hundred have gone, Vae victis « Malheur aux vaincus ».11th October 2024