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Pt YJPhD 1909 P 1000 Persistent harassment of Politicians even during Exams and Election periods : Hundreds have come, hundreds have gone BUT they STILL do not learn their lesson. THIS ALSO HISTORY WILL NEED TO REMEMBER. I do not do Politics , but Politicians KEEP ANNOYING and Searching fight with me EVEN during NCE/SC/HSC exams, even during Election period, NOW Overconfident Politicians of Const 8 Moka/ Quartier Militaire searching problem with me . MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Instead of campaigning doing their work , they search fight with me and then you see them singing in Temples, supposedly too religious and then they lose AND BLAME ME. During these periods they should had forgotten me and focus on their Politics but no, they persist to harass me , annoy me 20 th October 2024