Pt YJPhD 1947 P 1039 Problem 120 const 18 : Persistent harassment of Politicians even during Exams and Election periods: they STILL do not learn their lesson. Instead of focusing on their politics, they invent, search fight with me despite knowing I am apolitical. .In Sodnac there is CINEMA neighbourhood watch and in Town Centre also there is CINEMA Camera I remember the UNPROVOKED, UNJUSTIFIED, PREMEDITATED ‘threats of giving to me, an honest educator , a Civil Servant SLAPS (24/09/24 650 am, 27th attack from Creole GP )and the LEG KICK at QB by acolyte of Oily cake sellers (P 946 Problem 99 Const 18 , 19/07/24, 7am) and I AGAIN say I DO NOT GIVE ANY VOTING ORDERS its the Public who vote "en leur âme et conscience" and who they want to ‘’kick out coup pied, Klak’ out of Politics and sent to eat 'Gato Pimen YJPhD 1891 P 979 in Bazaar QB ) . WHOEVER IS IN POWER DOES NOT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE FOR ME P 1047 May God have pity upon my enemies…. 3rd November 2024