Pt YJPhD-1175 P235 Case 9 Me v/s Jugnauth & Families Black Blackmailer husband of politician of QB regions searching fight with me and same as ex relatives blackmail about ‘ deposit money in SBM or else he will talk ‘; (i) ‘supposedly he has a ‘dossier on me’ of regions Palma/Lalouise/Bonner Terre/Route Bassin/Ollier and (ii) interference into my legal wars , why I am not calling enemies to Court? It is not my duty who to call or not at court. I do not give in to any form of Blackmail. Dishonest Politicians Some days he and his wife are Creole GP, some days they are Tamil. I WILL NOT vote for women whose husbands search fight, blackmail , ask money, harass, annoy public. A disgrace for Mauritian Politics