Pt YJPhD 1857 P 940 Problem 95 const 18 Persistent harassment from Politics and Blacksheeps of Sodnac QB regions . I remember some time ago, a Creole GP Politician was saying that supposedly ' at night I go to buy alcohol, beer, Wine, cigarettes' obviously with the complicity of his friends the Blacksheeps who EAT oily cake and Beef BRIANI at NIGHT for FREE along St Jean and Rosier Ave, and I remember I was saying; I am neither into drugs and nor into consuming alcohol, nor smoke. and I added that 'it is more probable that HIS OWN PEOPLE' take drug rather than me 'buying alcohol, cigarettes etc' and there had been a series of ARREST by the SST along the Drug route Sodnac to the West . NOW AGAIN , that Creole GP Politician of QB is again barking the same lies.