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Pt YJPhD 1915 P 1006 Persistent harassment of Politicians even during Exams and Election periods despite knowing I am apolitical. After talking of 'removing smoke' now a Politician Mr B is talking about CHANGE. Infact he reminds me of Mr V. They talk of change but they themselves have not changed. BEFORE and NOW they still SEARCH FIGHT ,harm, harass, annoy, send people to annoy harm me , an Educator, A civil servant , a member of the Public , despite knowing I am APOLITICAL. They are still ARROGANT,VIOLENT they still BRAG they have too much. What Change do they want to ASPIRE ? YOU ARE REPEATING THE SAME MISTAKES OF THE PAST >-> Searching problems with me. They mix Politics with their personal vendetta. Their mentality has not changed. I can continue to 'fight' like that for 30 more years, can you ? They miss target. Mr B and Mr V, both HINDUS infact reminds me of those CREOLE GP shop workers, Security guards WHO PUSH away honest clients. Why do Mr B and Mr V attack an Apolitical Educator, Civil servant ? Why do these Creole GP attack me a honest client who never buy alcohol, cigarette etc. It is the most important Election of the History of this Country and instead of forgetting me for some days, and focusing on Politics, they PERSISTE to CONTINUE to search fight, harass, annoy me. 24 th October 2024