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Pt YJPhD 1923 P 1015: Again Persistent harassment of Politicians even during NCE/SC/HSC Exams and Election periods despite knowing I am apolitical. Instead of focussing on their Politics they search fight with me and wonder why they lost. They STILL do not learn their lesson. Apart from the RIVIERE NOIRE RELIGIOUS SECTS, There is also a CHINESE woman who each time, since some time want me to come to another RELIGIOUS/ SECTS IN THE REGION OF CASCAVELLE/ FLIC EN FLAC. NO THANK YOU.RIVIERE NOIRE COLON CANCER REGION NO and CASCAVELLE FLIC EN FLAC SECTS also NO. These groups are TOO dangerous with their DRUG, SEX, married women, fishy activities, fishy SOURCES . Apart from those people/women / colon cancer regions of Riviere Noire who each time want me to come to their regions, there is ALSO another GROUP nearby CASCAVELLE , who also are searching PROBLEMS with me. 24 th October 2024